What Does How You Eat Your Ice Cream Say About You?
We’ve met a whole lot of ice cream-lovers over the years, and we’ve noticed something pretty cool: How you enjoy your favourite, chilly, sweet treat says a lot about you. Ready to take a deep dive into the depths of your psyche? Grab a scoop of your favourite Ben & Jerry’s flavour and let’s dig in:

Straight Out Of The Tub With Your Favourite Spoon
Whether all your bowls are dirty or you just can’t be bothered, this is the gym-shorts-and-t-shirt of desserts. Easy. Comfortable. Low-maintenance. Sound familiar? You like ease and efficiency without frills and frippery. You keep it simple without missing any of the important stuff — like fudge chunks and caramel swirls.

In An Ice Cream Sandwich
Some say that less is more, but you say that more is more. Why have just a scoop of ice cream when you can nestle that scoop between two cookies for a double-delish, highly portable dessert innovation? But you’re not just a little bit extra when it comes to your ice cream — you like to go above and beyond in everything you do.

In A Sundae With All Your Favourite Toppings
For you, a sundae isn’t just a dessert, it’s an opportunity to flex your creative muscles. You’re a Flavour Guru at heart, and you live for concocting exciting new flavour combos. And that creative drive doesn’t end in the kitchen. BFF’s birthday is coming up? You’re making a handmade gift and card featuring your funniest inside jokes. Friday night hang with the crew? You’re making the world’s best scavenger hunt to keep everybody guessing.

Shared With A Friend
Sure, ice cream is great, but ice cream and hanging with a friend? That’s elite. You are a people person through and through and want to spread joy to everyone you encounter. When you pick out a tub to share with a friend, you even pick their favourite flavour over your own. Is it considered a sacrifice if there are cookie dough chunks involved? We’re not sure, but your friend is sure to appreciate the gesture.

In An Affogato
Ice cream, ice cream, buzzbuzzbuzz! You like an elevated ice cream experience featuring a shot of espresso, coffee, or hot chocolate. It’s all the fun of an Italian holiday, minus the packing. Enjoy your affogato a casa made with your favourite Ben & Jerry’s flavour ensconced in your favourite hot beverage. We know you’ll be using your fanciest bowl and spoon because if you can make something a little more elegant, we know you’re doing it.
As An Ice Cream Dip
Okay, we’ll admit this one is pretty wacky. And what a coincidence, because so are you! You are a wildcard with a penchant for all things eccentric, outlandish, and downright bizarre. Crisps dipped in ice cream? It’s no weirder than that time you made your friend’s birthday cake out of mashed potatoes and gravy. Or the time you told everyone you had made a reservation at a fancy restaurant and to wear their nicest outfits, only to bring them to the Scoop Shop for ice cream. Shine on, wild one!